Experience low-cost dental bridges in Turkey now! Save up to 97% compared to UK & US costs. Read on to access top clinics, premier dentists, exclusive package deals, and your dream smile!

Interested in delving into cost-effective avenues? Read about dental crowns in Turkey here!

How Much Dental Bridge Cost in Turkey?

The cost of a dental bridge in Turkey is just £310 (including 3 crowns).

The pricing varies based on the materials utilized and the quantity of crowns required.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal bridges in Turkey cost (with 3 crowns) as little as £310.

The same procedure in the UK cost £975 on average. This implies a saving of up to 69%!

Implant-supported dental bridges cost in Turkey (with 3 crowns) are only £380.

In comparison, 3 tooth implant bridge cost in the UK is £3,500 on average.

This implies savings of 89%!

Check out the following table for a comparison of the prices:

Cost Comparison of Dental Crowns in Turkey Vs. the UK (GBP)
Procedure Turkey (GBP) UK (GBP) Savings 
Porcelain fused to Metal Bridge* £310 £975 69%
Implant-supported bridge* £380 £3,500 89%
All Ceramic Bridge* £510 £2,370 78%
Zirconium Bridge* £385 £1,600 76%
*3 Crown Bridge
*Prices are subject to change without prior notification.

Dental bridge cost in Turkey is only €360 (with 3 crowns). The price depends on the materials and number of crowns used.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) bridges in Turkey (with 3 crowns) are priced as low as €240.

In the UK, PFM bridges with 3 crowns cost an average of €1,140. This represents potential savings of up to 79%.

Implant-supported dental bridges with 3 crowns in Turkey are priced at €440.

In contrast, the average cost for a 3-tooth implant bridge in the UK is €4,100. This indicates savings of 89%.

Let's take a look at the prices below:

Cost Comparison of Dental Crowns in Turkey Vs. the UK (Euro)
Procedure Turkey (EUR) UK (EUR) Savings
Porcelain fused to Metal Bridge* €360 €1,140 69%
Implant-supported bridge* €450 €4,100 89%
All Ceramic Bridge* €600 €2,800 78%
Zirconium Bridge* €450 €1,870 76%
*3 Crown Bridge
*Prices are subject to change without prior notification.

The cost of a dental bridge in Turkey is only $490. The pricing depends on the materials used.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) bridges in Turkey (with 3 crowns) can be as affordable as $600.

Conversely, PFM bridges in the US are priced at an average of $3,300. This represents potential savings of up to 82%.

Implant-supported dental bridges in Turkey (with 3 crowns) are priced at $490.

In comparison, the average cost for a 3-tooth implant bridge in the US is $15,000. This indicates savings of 97%.

Cost Comparion of Dental Crowns in Turkey Vs. the US (USD)
Procedure Turkey (USD) USA (USD) Savings
Porcelain fused to Metal Bridge* $600 $3,300 81%
Implant-supported bridge* $490 $15,000 97%
All Ceramic Bridge* $650 $5400 88%
Zirconium Bridge* $490 $6,000 92%
*3 Crown Bridge
*Prices are subject to change without prior notification.

You can tap here to learn more about all inclusive dental packages in Turkey & dental implants in Turkey.

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Dental Bridges in Turkey: Before and After

With expert dental care and state-of-the-art facilities, dental bridges in Turkey can truly change your life for the better.

Don’t believe us? See for yourself below!

Before & After: Dental Crowns in Turkey

Before & After: Dental Crowns in Turkey

Before & After: Dental Crowns in Turkey

Before & After: Dental Crowns in Turkey

Now, let’s explore the world of dental bridges in detail!

Unveiling the Complete Guide to Dental Bridges in Turkey

Dental Bridge in Turkey

Dental Bridge in Turkey

A dental bridge is a prosthetic appliance used to replace missing teeth by bridging the gap between adjacent teeth or dental implants. [1]

It consists of one or more artificial teeth called pontics, which are anchored in place by crowns or implants on either side of the gap. [2]

Dental bridges not only restore the appearance of your smile but also prevent adjacent teeth from shifting out of alignment, maintain facial structure, and improve chewing and speaking abilities. [3]

Additionally, dental bridges can enhance overall oral health by distributing forces evenly across the dental arch and preventing bone loss in the jaw.

Confused about all inclusive dental implants vs. dental bridges? Tap here to make your decision now!

What are the Parts of a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge typically consists of three main components: [4]

  • Pontic: The artificial tooth or teeth that fill the space created by missing teeth.
  • Abutment teeth: The natural teeth or dental implants on either side of the gap that provide support for the bridge.
  • Crowns: Caps placed over the abutment teeth or implants to hold the pontic in place & provide stability & strength to the bridge.

Together, these components work harmoniously to restore the function and aesthetics of your smile, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Why is a Dental Bridge Indicated?

Dental bridges are indicated in various situations, including: [5]

  • Single tooth replacement: When a single tooth is missing, a dental bridge can be used to fill the gap & restore the patient’s smile.
  • Multiple tooth replacement: They can also replace multiple missing teeth in a row, providing a functional & aesthetic solution.
  • Restoring chewing function: With dental bridges, patients can regain the ability to chew & eat a wide variety of foods comfortably, improving overall nutrition & quality of life.
  • Maintaining shape & bite force: Dental bridges help maintain the structure of your face & re-adjust your bite to evenly distribute force during chewing.

Overall, dental bridges in Turkey offer a reliable and durable solution for tooth replacement, allowing patients to enjoy a natural-looking smile and optimal oral health for years to come.

What Happens During the Dental Bridge Procedure in Turkey?

The dental bridge procedure in Turkey typically involves several key steps, including: [6]

  • The process begins with a comprehensive dental evaluation.
  • During this, the dentist assesses your oral health, discusses treatment options, & develops a personalized treatment plan.

  • The process starts with preparing the adjacent teeth by removing decay & shaping them to accommodate the bridge.
  • This may require filing down portions of the tooth or applying dental fillings to achieve the desired form.
  • These changes are required to ensure a proper fit for the crowns that will support the bridge.
  • An impression of the mouth is then taken to create a customized bridge.

  • A temporary bridge is placed over the prepared teeth to protect them while the permanent bridge is being fabricated.
  • This serves as an interim solution until the permanent bridge is ready, which typically takes a few weeks.

  • Once the permanent bridge is ready (typically within 2 weeks), the temporary bridge is removed.
  • Lastly, the permanent bridge is securely affixed using strong adhesive.

Cantilever bridges and Maryland bridges have variations in preparation and may require multiple appointments.

Implant-supported bridges involve implant surgery followed by bridge fabrication to fit seamlessly over the implants.

Advantages of Dental Bridges in Turkey

When considering dental bridges in Turkey, you can benefit from various advantages, including: [7]

  • Enhanced appearance: Dental bridges improve facial aesthetics by filling in gaps caused by missing teeth, leading to a more youthful & attractive appearance.
  • Prevention of teeth shifting: Bridges prevent teeth from shifting, ensuring proper alignment for chewing & speaking.
  • Facial structure maintenance: Bridges help maintain facial shape, preventing sunken or collapsed appearance caused by missing teeth.
  • Non-invasive procedure: Unlike dental implants, bridges don’t require invasive surgery, making them a less intrusive option.

By choosing dental bridges in Turkey, patients can achieve their desired smile transformation while enjoying exceptional quality of care and substantial cost savings.

Downsides of Dental Bridges in Turkey

While dental bridges offer numerous benefits, it’s essential to consider potential downsides.

Let’s see some of them below:

  • Risk of decay: Dental bridges may increase the risk of decay and gum disease due to difficulty in cleaning beneath the bridge structure. [8]
  • Potential for bridge failure: Dental bridges can fail over time due to factors such as decay, fracture of supporting teeth, or improper fit. [9]
  • Adjacent teeth are trimmed: In order to support the bridge, adjacent teeth are prepared by removing enamel, which can compromise their structural integrity in the future. [10]
  • Limited long-term predictability: While dental bridges can provide functional & aesthetic benefits in the short term, their long-term predictability may be limited. [11]

Despite these potential drawbacks, the vast majority of patients are highly satisfied with their dental bridge treatment in Turkey, enjoying improved aesthetics, function, and confidence.

What Are the Types of Materials Used To Produce Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges can be fabricated from various materials, each offering unique advantages and considerations:

  • Zirconia bridges in Turkey are known for their exceptional strength, durability, & aesthetic properties. [12]
  • They are highly biocompatible, resistant to chipping & staining, & blend seamlessly with natural teeth.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Zirconia Bridges
Advantages Disadvantages
Exceptional strength [13] Translucency issues [14]
Natural appearance [15] Thermal conductivity [16]
Minimally invasive [17] Monochromatic appearance

  • Porcelain bridges are prized for their lifelike appearance & ability to mimic the translucency & color of natural teeth.
  • They are stain-resistant & offer excellent aesthetic results.
  • They are also a great choice if you have metal allergies. [18]
Advantages & Disadvantages of All-Porcelain Bridges
Advantages Disadvantages
Biocompatible [19] Wear on opposing teeth [20]
Light transmits through the material [21] More expensive than some other bridge materials

  • PFM bridges feature a metal substructure covered with porcelain, combining the strength of metal with the aesthetic appeal of porcelain.
  • The long-term survival of porcelain fused to metal crowns is 99.5% over 5 years. [22]
Advantages & Disadvantages of Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridges
Advantages Disadvantages
Highly durable Less esthetic due to metal line visible at gums [23]
Generally has a longer lifespan [24] compared to all-porcelain bridges. Requires more tooth structure removal [25]

  • Emax bridges are made from a single block of lithium disilicate ceramic, offering exceptional strength, durability, & aesthetics.
  • They are highly translucent & can be customized to match the natural shade & contours.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Emax Bridges
Advantages  Disadvantages 
Exceptional aesthetics [26] Emax bridges tend to be more expensive
Biocompatible [27] The preparation process may require tooth reduction [28]
Allow for minimal tooth reduction [29] Potential for fractures [30]

Metal alloy bridges, crafted from a blend of metals, boast exceptional strength, making them ideal for posterior teeth.

However, their aesthetic appeal is limited, prompting their placement in less visible areas of the mouth.

These bridges necessitate minimal tooth preparation and come in two main categories:

  • Base metal alloy bridges, including cobalt & chromium,
  • Noble metal alloy bridges, such as gold.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Emax Bridges
Advantages Disadvantages
Exceptionally durable & resistant to fractures [31] Metal alloy bridges don't look lie natural teeth [32]
Often more affordable compared to other materials [33] Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to certain metals used [34]
Biocompatible Risk of galvanic corrosion [35]

How Long Does Dental Bridge in Turkey Treatment Take?

You’ll meet with the dentist on both the first and last day, with the lab work being carried out between visits.

The initial visit usually lasts between 1-7 days.

What is the Lifespan of Turkish Dental Bridges?

Genereally, dental bridges in Turkey can last 5 to 15 years with proper care and good oral hygiene.

For a detailed survival rate, refer to the table below:

Lifespan Comparison of Dental Bridges in Turkey
Bridge Material Average Survival Rate after 5 years
Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) 99.5%
Gold 95% over 10 years
All-porcelain 92%
Zirconia 98%
Emax 94%

Source: NCBI [36] , Healthline [37] , Research Gate [38] , NCBI [39]

How Do You Care for Dental Bridges?

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity of your dental bridges and maintain optimal oral health.

Follow the aftercare guide below for everything you need and more: [40]

  • Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush.
    • This routine helps maintain oral hygiene & prevents issues such as decay & gum diseases like dental caries.
  • Floss once daily, & consider using a proxabrush to clean effectively under your bridge, preventing plaque buildup & gum disease.
    • This step ensures proper cleaning between teeth and helps prevent issues like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.
  • Use fluoride toothpasteantiseptic mouth rinse to maintain oral hygiene and prevent decay or infections around the bridge area.
  • Incorporate fruits & vegetables high in fiber into your diet to promote gum health.
    • Fiber-rich foods help keep teeth & gums healthy, aiding in bite alignment & keeping teeth from shifting.
  • Avoid damaging habits such as teeth grinding (bruxism) & using teeth as tools to prevent damage to your bridges.
  • Schedule regular visits with your dentist to monitor the condition of your bridge & ensure optimal oral health.

  • Avoid consuming hard and sticky foods such as caramel, nuts, popcorn kernels, candy, or ice.
  • Limit the consumption of sugary or acidic foods and beverages.
  • Refrain from smoking or using tobacco products.

Why Choose Turkey for Dental Bridges?


Why Choose Turkey for Dental Bridges

When it comes to reclaiming your smile and embracing the transformative power of dental bridges, Turkey stands out as the ultimate destination.

Here’s why opting for dental bridges in Turkey is a decision that seamlessly blends quality, affordability, and an enriching experience:

Cost Savings

Enjoy significant Turkey dental packages cost savings of upto 97% without compromising on the quality of basal implants.

Turkey’s lower operational costs and favorable currency exchange rates make advanced dental procedures more accessible. [41]

Cutting-Edge Technology

Our partner clinics in Turkey feature state-of-the-art technology such as CBCT, 3D scanners, CEREC, CAD-CAM, and Digital implant рlаnnіng ѕоftwаrе.

Some world-renowned dental crown brands used by our partner clinics include Ivoclar Vivadent, and Zirkonzahn!

Turkish clinics invest in state-of-the-art equipment and stay abreast of advancements, ensuring that you benefit from cutting-edge dental solutions.

Certified Dentists

Our internationally trained dental professionals provide top-quality dental care, with over 10+ years of experience.

Accredited Clinics

Our partner clinics are equipped with cutting-edge technology like CEREC CAD/CAM, hybrid bridges, and 4D-MODJAW!

The clinics adhere to the sterilization protocols set by the American Dental Association (ADA) & Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Safety Ensured Through Sterilization

Your health is paramount.

Turkish dental clinics prioritize patient safety through rigorous sterilization practices, creating a hygienic environment that meets global healthcare standards.

A 3-tier sterilization process is carried out by individually packaging the items and then subjecting them to an autoclave.

Bilingual Staff

Most of our partner clinics in Turkey are fluent in Turkish and English.

This ensures seamless communication, reducing any potential confusion during your dental process.

Dental Vacation

Dental tourism in Turkey not only offers world-class dental care like dental bridge Istanbul but also presents a unique opportunity for a getaway.

From historical wonders to stunning coastlines, this country provides a picturesque backdrop for teeth Turkey.

Now, let’s discover some of the best dental clinics in Turkey below!

Best Dental Clinic in Turkey for Dental Bridges

Check out the top 10 dental clinics in Turkey below to pick the right dental bridge clinic for you!

With state-of-the-art facilities and experienced professionals, patients can expect top-quality care and exceptional results.

Best Dentist in Turkey for Dental Bridges

Choosing the best dentist in Turkey for dental bridges involves considering factors such as experience, expertise, patient reviews, and clinic amenities.

Our partner clinics in Turkey are staffed with board-certified professionals with decades of experience. Let’s outline a few of the numerous certifications and accreditations they hold below:

  • Certifications from the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Aesthetics in implant dentistry.
  • Members of the Turkish Dental Association, International Team for Implantology (ITI), European Federation of Periodontology.

Now, let’s find the dentist that’s right for you!

The best dentists in Turkey await you!

Schedule a call!

Is it Safe to Get a Dental Bridge in Turkey?



Turkey, as a nation, provides a secure environment for its visitors, with the exception of areas near the Syrian border, which should be avoided.

Dental tourism in Turkey offers vibrant culture and stunning views.

Let’s see below how dental bridges in Turkey are a safe option for your next dental treatment!

The Ministry of Health (MOH) in Turkey has established the USHAS- Uluslararası Sağlık Hizmetleri A.Ş. (USHAS International Health Services Inc.), a dedicated institution for international health services [42] .

This organization oversees healthcare services in both the public and private sectors throughout the country.

Additionally, it collaborates with the MOH to enhance accreditation criteria and service standards for ex-pats.

In terms of general tourism, Turkey is considered a safe country [43] .

While caution is advised in cities near the Syrian border, places like Antalya are recognized for their safety.

The cities housing our recommended clinics also exhibit a favorable safety index.

  • Our dentists deliver high-quality dental services, boasting 10+ years of experience.
  • They employ reputable brands such as Ivoclar Vivadent, Zirkonzahn, Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Osstem, and Hiossen.
  • Our affiliated clinics are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including CBCT, 3D scanners, CEREC, CAD-CAM, and digital implant planning software.
  • The use of advanced technology guarantees accurate bridge placement, leading to optimal treatment results.
  • Upon your return home, you have the opportunity to receive free advice from our experienced professionals.
  • These clinics prioritize a harmonious blend of quality care and affordability.

Safety Index of Popular Dental Locations:

Antalya Safety Index: 74/100 [44]
Izmir Safety Index: 73/100 [45]
Istanbul Safety Index: 54/100 [46]
Ankara Safety Index: 58/100


Excited to get dental bridges in Turkey?

Then contact DentaVacation today!

Experience the synergy of everlasting Turkish teeth and a rejuvenating vacation in Turkey now!

Restore your confidence with a natural-looking smile, and leave the pesky details to us!

Talk to our case managers today to get the latest prices.


The average cost of a dental bridge in Turkey is €360. The price of a dental bridge depends on the number of crowns and materials used.

Yes, a dental bridge in Turkey is cheaper than an implant in Turkey.

A PFM bridge with 3 crowns costs €360 while a single dental implant in Turkey costs €320.

Turkey treatment for dental bridges is an affordable option.

Rediscover your smile with us!

Visit Turkey!