Dental implants have become a routine procedure for the replacement of missing teeth. Numerous factors affect the dental implant success rate. As per the currently available statistics, a high survival rate is seen with dental implants, and implant failures are rare in most cases. [1]

Dental Implants and Their Relationship With the Bone

The dental implant and human bone tissue work in a very close-knit relationship.

However, once the implant gets placed and comes in contact with the bone, the structural and functional connection begins. [2]

This process is called osseointegration.

Firstly, this allows the implant to form a direct anchor into the bone.

Most importantly it provides an efficient environment for load-bearing under chewing forces.

Structure of Dental Implant

Dental Implant Relationship With the Bone

Reason for Implant Failure or Success

Recent advances in dentistry have further raised the prospects of successful implant placement, but carelessness on the part of the doctor or the patient can still lead to failures.

Several factors determine the success or failure rates of dental implants; they include

Factors Determining the Success or Failure Rates of Dental Implants
Factors Dental Implants Success Dental Implant Failure
Quantity of bone Healthy jaw bone Weak jaw structure
Quality of bone Good quality, dense bone is essential for the success of a dental implant. It is usually observed that bone quality is better in the lower jaw. [3] The bone quality differs according to different regions of the mouth. This plays a vital role in determining the success rates.
Patient’s age and health Patients of any age can undergo implant treatment. However, middle-aged patients are best suited. Patients with medical conditions like endocarditis and osteoradionecrosis are not indicated.
Dentist experience Trusted, experienced, and board-certified dental professionals Improper case selection, incorrect judgment of bone, errors during the surgical procedure (nerve/vessel damage, excessive drill speed, implant placement).
Location of implant Placement at a suitable anatomical site and in the correct direction Incorrect guidance and placement of the implant in the back region where it is more prone to chewing forces.
Length of implant Longer implants with an adequate diameter Shorter and broader implants
Oral hygiene Good oral hygiene with no periodontal problems Poor oral hygiene, unresolved caries/infection, excessive accumulation of dental plaque, and food debris at the surgical site.
Patient compliance Patients with no deleterious habits Excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, or tobacco chewing

Source: Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry [4]

Rate of Dental Implant Success and Failure

Studies have shown the success rate of dental implants to be 97% at ten years of evaluation, whereas the overall failure rate was only 3.11%. [5]


Dental implants are among the best substitutes and long-lasting solutions for missing teeth.

We at Dentavacation help you choose what is the best and most affordable solution for all your dental problems.

Our case managers can provide you with customized case-to-case information on the factors that will determine the success or failure rates of dental implants.


The success of a dental implant is dependent on several factors.

The most important ones are patients’ bone density and qualityoverall hygiene and compliance, location and placement of the implant, and the operator’s skills.

The success rate of dental implants was 97% at ten years of evaluation.

One of the primary reasons for dental implant failure is the absence of osseointegration of the implant with the bone. [6]

Studies suggest the overall failure rate of dental implants is only 3.11%.

Worried about your dental implant health?

Consult with our experts now!